Wednesday 13 August 2014

Neo-Tribalism, Jews, & our Future

Have you ever considered that the ‘civilized’ ways of the West are just camouflage for the ingrained tribalism of mankind? Animals are tribal…so, why not humans? Well,we are! But now, in our intricately and elegantly connected world, we may want to call it “neo-tribalism”. Whatever the descriptor, 'A hates B because A thinks he is superior' has been around for all of recorded history...and still is.

Before you conclude this post is about the Middle East, it is only in part. Tribalism is alive and well pretty much everywhere among most religions and backgrounds. We humans strongly relate to our tribal roots and are sometimes accepting or tolerant of others…but not always. The patriotism we demonstrate for our now richly diverse countries masks the primal part of our humanity, our tribes.

Recently, I had a ‘eureka moment’…a crystal clear vision when it struck me that, while incredibly complex to unravel, the Middle East is actually quite simple. It’s entirely about tribes. Here’s the dictionary definition of tribalism:

loyalty to a tribe or other social group especially when combined with strong negative feelings for people outside the group”.

Do you recognize any personal tendencies? This is precisely the same driver that, through millennia, has seen one group set upon another group, disparage it, and often engage it physically. There is likely no single more identifiable target these days than the Jews. After all, Judaism was the first monotheistic religion and has been around for a very long time. The current conundrum facing us is that our western nation-state mentality demands we intellectualize differences we prefer to think come from the distant past, are quite rudimentary, and that draw on our basest instincts whenever conflict rears its head…as it invariably does. Intellectualizing tribalism is almost oxymoronic.    

There is nothing new, for example, about the ‘flavor’ of the tribalism that sets Muslim Arabs against Jews in Gaza (Hamas). It's not really any different than the tribalism that separates Shia and Sunni Muslims, or that causes ISIS to crucify or behead Christians.

Writing on American political tribalism, former US Secretary of Labor (under Clinton) Robert Reich said this about tribalism generally…

Separatist movements have broken out all over — Czechs separating from Slovaks; Kurds wanting to separate from Iraq, Syria, and Turkey; even the Scots seeking separation from England.
Reich points out that modern nation states are only a few hundred years old and that prior to their creation, tribalism was an open matter of fact rather than a conveniently deniable one.

Nations are becoming less relevant in a world where everyone and everything is interconnected. The connections that matter most are again becoming more personal. Religious beliefs and affiliations, the nuances of one’s own language and culture, the daily realities of class…are providing people with ever greater senses of identity.

If you take issue with that last paragraph, just check out Facebook or Twitter. These and other social media provide incentive and empowerment to stick with your tribe and allow you to breach borders as communication so easily does. 

Why are Israel and the Jewish people so internationally pivotal that we hear more reporting on some ceasefire that's actually holding in Gaza than we do about tens of thousands being massacred and butchered in Syria and Iraq?

My conclusion is that modern Israel is the ultimate Jewish symbol of success. It happens to be situated like an island in the middle of an ocean of failure in a region known contemporarily as the Middle East but which was the starting point for modern man. The Jews have sustained more annihilation attempts against them than any other group/tribe in surprise because that’s what happens when you stick around for thousands of years. Add to that the fact that Jews have a vastly disproportionate profile in the world compared with any other group. Jews are a Caucasian sub-group numbering a scant 15-million total in a world population of some 8-billion people – Jews are statistically irrelevant - but that’s why statistics never reveal the complete truth. 

Jews are at once feared and envied. The fear comes from other ‘tribes’, none more prolific or savage than fundamentalist Islam. Islam is burdened by the dichotomy of the Qu’uran where it dually suggests that Jews are to be considered as brothers, though indeed they are AND that Muslims must eradicate all Jews from the earth. Why is there this fear factor? Well, what if the opposing belief system suggests that Jews got something right because their God has never failed them? That idea is also within the purview of non-Islamic Jew haters and has been seen the world over for centuries.

This type of undercurrent is palpable among people of many religions who are so inculcated with their own tribal belief structure that they worry about a non-existent Jewish mysticism to be feared or eliminated or both...but no such thing exists! And in 2014, with all of our education and communication, it doesn't matter. Jews have excelled in the arts and the empirical sciences…medicine, physics, chemistry, music, literature, banking, business, and education are all obvious fields where Jews remain prominent. Is that to be applauded or mistrusted?

Are there reasons to revile every Jew? Through the ages we have borne witness to the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, Russian pogroms, Jewish blame for Jesus’ Death, Christian ire for rejection of Jesus as Messiah, the Crusades…and so much more. Why? Is the rift any different than what separated Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Rwanda to a point that called for mass extermination of one side by the other? What was the basis for ethnic purification in Kosovo or, even now, in Sudan? Historically, tribes of North American aboriginals warred incessantly as did tribes in the wilds of Australia and New Zealand…and still it is thus across Africa. Mistrust, division over differences, need for superiority are all manifestations of tribalism and evident in all of these conflicts. Some have just lasted for a very long time.

This is not the diversity of humanity we discuss intellectually over Chardonnay and claim to cherish in the West when we seek to resolve world conflict. It is facile to send an envoy from a neutral organization or from another country to “broker” peace amongst long warring tribes who really want only to eliminate an ancient foe. Tribal alienation was and remains the driving force for mass violence on a world scale owing to irrational, ancient fears and the ultimate need for threat elimination.

When does this end? Let's ask the Irish! Catholic and Protestant  Christians killed and maimed each other for centuries until people of good faith concluded that they had more similarities than differences. And they grew tired of watching their loved ones and countrymen die for no discernible reason. When people decide that raising a family securely, educating young people, attracting industry and working in it for family sustenance are basic to making the best of the 80 (or so) years we get, tribal differences might be set aside. I fear that, in some places on this planet, most people living in 2014 (even infants) will never see that peace and security in a world where all human beings should legitimately expect it.


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